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  5. Checklist for Merchant Go-Live

Checklist for Merchant Go-Live

E-commerce merchants need to follow this checklist before they can start accepting live payments via BoxPay.

1. Payment Gateway(PG) /Acquirer(PA) Onboarding

You need to register your business with any of PGs/PAs in order to use BoxPay.

If you need any help finalising/finding the PG/PA, BoxPay team can assist you. It is however important to note that KYC and all other onboarding formalities will still be done by chosen PG/PA and you will be responsible for providing all the required documents. BoxPay however can guide you through this process and provide required support.

S2S Enablement and Credentials
BoxPay uses Direct or S2S APIs of PGs/PAs to route the payments. Hence, merchants need to provide us with Direct/S2S API credentials by asking their PGs/PAs to enable direct/S2S API support. Typically, due to regulatory compliance reasons, they will ask you to provide your PCI DSS certificate. Merchants can however mention BoxPay as their technical service provider (TSP) and provide BoxPay PCI DSS certificate since we are PCI DSS L1 certified.

2. BoxPay Sandbox Integration

Please ensure that you have integrated with BoxPay in your sandbox environment. This can be done in parallel to first step and ensures that your integration with BoxPay is working fine. You need to take care of following integrations –

  • Payment Checkout Experience (not applicable for payment links) – It involves creating session, redirecting to BoxPay checkout and then redirecting back to your website after payment and showing the success/failed payment/order page as mentioned in the integration documentation based on your stack. To verify your integration –
    • You need to send us either your sandbox env credentials or a video capturing the whole payment flow to confirm that your integration is successfully done.
    • Your testing should cover at least one success and one failed transactions.
  • Webhook integration (not applicable for E-commerce connectors) – BoxPay can send you the payment status change webhooks and may come handy in keeping your systems in sync with latest payment status. It is very useful in cases where customer drops out from issuer page due to internet issues or payment goes in pending status as in all of these cases, payment doesn’t go into terminal state at the time of customer interaction. Webhooks can also be received for payments received via payment links by registering the webhook URLs in merchant dashboard. For more details, please refer integrating webhook notifications.

3. BoxPay Prod Account Setup and Configuration

Once you are done with BoxPay sandbox integration and shared the video or credentials for verifying the integration, your live account will automatically be setup and provided to you.

4. BoxPay Prod Integration Testing

Once you receive your prod credentials, please configure your live system with the received credentials. You need to make few sample transactions to ensure the integration done. BoxPay team also usually does sample transactions in your live account to ensure that there are no configuration issues from PA/PG side.

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