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  4. Register and Setup Your Account

Register and Setup Your Account

BoxPay serves as a worldwide payment orchestrator, enabling e-commerce merchants to accept payments through 300+ payment methods. We currently have connectors for all major payment gateways globally.

Our platform enhances merchant success rates through various strategies, including smart routing. Additionally, BoxPay provides robust analytics and reporting capabilities, offering a comprehensive view of your transactions. This allows you to analyze failures and implement preventive measures.

Register for a sandbox account

You can initiate the registration process by simply providing your details into our Join us today form!

Once we receive your request, we will reach out to you to understand your requirements in a bit more detail to figure out the integrations needed for your use case. Based on the applicable integration, we will create a sandbox account and share any additional documentation to start the integration process.

Creating a sandbox account will result into a verification email being sent to the shared email address. You just need to follow the instructions in the email and create your password in BoxPay Merchant Dashboard.

On the successful creation of password, you will be directed to User Profile section where you can upload your business logo and update business and user details. You can also update these details later from “User Profile” page in Merchant Dashboard.

You may also provide us with your developers email addresses for giving them access to our Developer Forums to enable them to reach out to us in case of any queries or concerns during the integration.

Production account will only be created after integration has been tested successfully in sandbox environment.

Setup your account

The next step is to prepare your account for enabling online payments!

As BoxPay functions as a payment orchestrator, you must add at least one payment gateway configuration before you can begin accepting payments. This process begins by adding payment gateway configurations through the “Configurations” page in the BoxPay Merchant Portal.

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