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  3. BoxPay Checkout Integration
  4. Hosted Checkout Page
  5. Show order confirmation page

Show order confirmation page

After shoppers complete the payment on the BoxPay checkout page, they will be redirected to the URL that you specified in the frontendReturnUrl field when creating the checkout session using the Create Checkout Session API.

During redirection, an inquiry token will be appended to the redirectionResult query parameter in the URL provided in frontendReturnUrl field. You can subsequently utilise the Operation Inquiry API to validate the payment status using the provided token. Depending on the returned status, you may take the following actions –

StatusRecommended Action
ApprovedThe payment is successful. You can display an ‘Order Confirmation / Thank You’ page to your customers.
PostedThe payment is in a pending state and may require some time for approval or could potentially fail. In this situation, you can display a “Payment Pending” message, advising customers not to retry and to check back later to avoid potential duplicate payments. You will get the further update about this via webhooks. Additionally, if the payment fails later, you may choose to send them a Payment Link allowing them to retry the payment.
Rejected/FailedThe payment was unsuccessful even after multiple retries on the BoxPay checkout page. In this case, you can display a ‘Payment Failed’ page and guide them back to their cart.
RequiresActionThe payment was incomplete as customer didn’t perform the required steps like scanning QR, approving collect requeset, providing OTP on bank page etc.
TimedOutThe payment was unsuccessful due to timeout at Payment Gateway side.

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