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  3. BoxPay Checkout Integration
  4. Hosted Checkout Page

Hosted Checkout Page

BoxPay Hosted Checkout is a prebuilt payment page designed to enable e-commerce merchants to securely accept payments online. With its built-in features, Checkout reduces development time, supports over 300+ payment methods, and provides customisation options to align with your checkout workflows and brand theme. Payments can be accepted either by embedding Checkout directly into your website or directing customers to a BoxPay-hosted payment page.

To begin integrating the BoxPay hosted checkout page, the initial step is to register and setup your BoxPay account.

This outlines the typical workflow for integrating a BoxPay hosted checkout page –

  • The shopper selects the Buy button on the Merchant Website.
  • The Merchant Server processes the request and initiates a checkout session through the Create Checkout Session API.
  • The Merchant Server receives the BoxPay Checkout URL in the response and redirects the shopper to this link.
  • The shopper completes the payment on the BoxPay Checkout page.
  • After payment, BoxPay Checkout redirects the shopper to the Merchant-configured URL, appending an inquiry token in the query parameters.
  • The Merchant Server extracts the inquiry token and verifies the payment status by utilising the Payment Inquiry API.
  • Based on the received payment status, the Merchant Server redirects the customer to the Order Confirmation page, displaying a customised message or to the payment failed/cancelled page.
  • Integrate webhooks to receive payment status notifications to cover cases where shopper chooses to exit the payments from BoxPay checkout page or fails to get redirected back to merchant website due to internet or other issues.

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