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  3. BoxPay Checkout Integration
  4. Hosted Checkout Page
  5. Redirect to BoxPay hosted checkout

Redirect to BoxPay hosted checkout

After successfully creating a checkout session, you will obtain the BoxPay hosted checkout URL in the response from the Create Checkout Session API. The next step is to display the BoxPay checkout page to your customers. Below are some popular strategies to achieve this –

  • You can redirect your customers to the BoxPay hosted checkout page after they click the Buy button on your website. In this scenario, customers finalize the payment on the BoxPay hosted checkout page and are subsequently redirected to your configured URLs.
  • An alternative approach is to embed the BoxPay checkout page directly into your order checkout page, eliminating the need for redirection to a different page. This ensures that customers remain on your website throughout the checkout process, reducing one step in the overall journey. However, this may present challenges on smaller screens, such as those on mobile devices.
  • Another similar option is to load the BoxPay checkout page into a modal when the user clicks the Buy button on your website.
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