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  3. BoxPay Checkout Integration
  4. Server SDKs
  5. Python SDK

Python SDK


The BoxPay provides a Python Server SDK for interacting with the BoxPay Checkout APIs. It simplifies the process of integrating BoxPay payments into your application, allowing you to:

  • Create checkout sessions to initiate payment flows
  • Verify the status of payment transactions
  • Handle errors gracefully to provide a robust user experience


Before you start using the BoxPay Checkout SDK, you’ll need the following:

  • Python: The SDK is written in Python, so you’ll need a Python environment set up (version 3.7 or later is recommended). You can download Python from the official website (https://www.python.org/).
  • BoxPay Merchant Account: You will need an active BoxPay merchant account to obtain an API key and Merchant ID. You can sign up for an account on the BoxPay website.
  • API Key and Merchant ID: Obtain your API credentials from within your BoxPay merchant dashboard.


You can install the BoxPay Checkout SDK using pip

pip install boxpay-checkout-sdk


  • Obtain your BoxPay API key and Merchant ID from your BoxPay merchant dashboard.
  • Instantiate a BoxpayClient object, supplying your API key and Merchant ID
from boxpay_checkout_sdk.boxpay_client import BoxpayClient

api_key = "your_boxpay_api_key"
merchant_id = "your_merchant_id"

client = BoxpayClient(api_key, env)
checkout_client = CheckoutClient(client)

Creating a checkout session

  • Construct a CheckoutSessionRequest object, populating it with the necessary checkout information (see “Data Models” section below for details).
  • Call the create_checkout_session method of your CheckoutClient instance:
checkout_session_request = CheckoutSessionRequest(
    paymentType="S" or "A",
    frontendReturnUrl="your website url",
    frontendBackUrl="your website url",
    statusNotifyUrl="your website url",
checkout_session_response = checkout_client.create_checkout_session(checkout_session_request)
if checkout_session_response.url:
    # Redirect the user to the checkout URL
    print(f"Checkout URL: {checkout_session_response.url}")
        print("Checkout session failed to initiate. Please try again or contact support.")

    # Example of accessing additional error info (if available)
    if checkout_session_response.status_code == 400:  # Example - Invalid request
        error_details = checkout_session_response.fieldErrorItems

Verifying a payment

  • Obtain the payment token from your checkout process.
  • Construct a TransactionInquiryDetails object with the token.
  • Call the verify_payment method of your CheckoutClient:
token = "payment_token_obtained_from_checkout"
inquiry_details = TransactionInquiryDetails(token=token)
inquiry_response = client.verify_payment(token, inquiry_details)

Error Types

The SDK defines custom exception classes for different error types:

  • APIError: General API errors
  • AuthenticationError: Authentication failures
  • InvalidParameterError: Incorrect data provided
  • ResourceNotFoundError: Resource (e.g., transaction) not found
  • TimeoutError: Timeout when communicating with the API
  • PaymentDeclinedError: Payment declined by the issuer

Implement error handling logic using try…except blocks to address these exceptions appropriately.

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